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Direct from Nova Scotia, Canada.
Pierre Clouthier
Owner, Progeny Genealogy
About Pierre:
First computer experience: FORTRAN (1965). First job: Life insurance (1970), Assembler on an IBM 360 mainframe clone. Also worked for computer vendors (Univac, Xerox), started a service bureau in 1979 providing laser printing services (Xerox 9700, 120 pages/min, two-sided). Worked IT in transportation, manufacturing, telecommunications, food industry. Was addicted to genealogy when grandfather shared manuscript of family history in 1976. Started Progeny Genealogy in 1995. Helping customers tell the story of their family since.
Amongst other products, Progeny Genealogy produces Charting Companion, a Charting Package for most of the common genealogy applications, like Family Tree Maker, Legacy, Ancestral Quest, Family Historian, RootsMagic as well as PAF and GEDCOM.
The company has just released Charting Companion plugin for Family Tree Maker for Mac.